Real Client Reviews, Testimonials & Stories
The transformation that awaits you…
Below, I humbly share the before and after stories of some of my past clients have experienced.
If you’re on the fence about working with me, almost all clients have agreed to communicate with YOU directly to answer your questions. Please don’t hesitate to email me to ask to be connected.
2024 Review by Salem, Father of 2
"...It's been transformational, and I do not use that word lightly. I loved the fact that there was consistent coursework that was not just about how to be the best parent I could be, it answered some of the longstanding questions I had about parenting and gave me practical toolsets and skillsets to make a difference in my kids' life and my life....and then there's Amanda. And she's amazing. I felt supported in so many different ways from her, consistently both emotionally, practically...it was so nice to have someone who I felt like had my back....it made a substantial difference in my life and my kids' life and I'm so grateful for it."
Mama K and Papa K - Parents of 2, ages 2 and 4
Mama C and Papa Z - Parents of 2, ages 8 and 5
“Our family was loaded with inherited dysfunctional actions, knee jerk reactions, and fragmented relationships. We were angry, exhausted, and out of control.”
“Our family is now experiencing harmony, forgiveness, understanding and love. There’s hog pile laughter on a lazy Sunday morning, prolonged moments of harmony, kind gestures towards one another, it’s eye to eye rather than standing above. We are playing the long game, my relationship with both kids is more authentic, investigatory, sensitive. There’s been a complete change in my ability to extend empathy, accepting of emotions, mentality shift from “fixer of all problems” to “listener of all problems”.
Mama K, parent of 2 (ages 5 and 6)
“Before this program, I would describe my family as tense, divided and with angst. As a mom, I was intimidated, insecure, and passive. My partner and I are committed and both deeply loyal, but we felt confused and disconnected in our parenting approach.”
“After this program, I feel deeply connected to my family, and now it’s full of respect and self-awareness. I feel more patience, confidence and wisdom. My heart territory expanded for my husband, I feel more united, connected and trusting.”
Mama C, parent of 3 (ages 6, 9 and 12)
Mama S, parent of 1 (age 11 mo)
“As new mom struggling with postpartum depression and very low confidence in what kind of parent I would like to be; I was hoping to learn more about connected parenting as a way to hopefully determine what type of parent I would like to be.
My relationship with my family was unsure, distracted, superficial. I was overwhelmed and reactive. My partner and I were disconnected and I felt shame and anger toward him.”
“I came a way from the program and coaching a different person! I am more confident and comfortable with my own feelings and needs so that I can then model that for my daughter.
I feel connected, calm, confident, and more in tune with myself. I am proud of being able to hold space for my daughter’s feelings and needs as well as my own.
I have been able to not block out the people that care for me and have given myself permission to not be perfect from a more genuine place of truly believing that.
I am grateful to have tools that allow me to better understand and support my daughter through her many emotions that are starting to surface as she gets older and older.”
Papa W, Father of 1
“Amanda is a great coach because she is gentle, warm, encouraging, helpful, genuine, fun, curious, intelligent, resourceful, impactful, and prepared.
She met me where I was at and worked with me as an individual, allowing me to explore and grow. This also points to her patience, understanding, commitment, demonstration of listening skills, and so much more. Rather than being pushy or judgmental, or a slew of other things, she showed kindness and compassion, got curious with herself and me, and we progressed through the months together of improving and equipping me as a person, communicator, and especially as a dad. Her intelligence and graciousness, while including bouts of humor and humility, while God used her to benefit me in many ways in my life bring me to the conclusion that I would and have recommended Amanda as a coach for others.
She has children of her own that she parents, a willingness to improve herself, willingness to engage with clients and others in a variety of ways such as over email, video call, or in workshops. Again, she models the skills and shows up with kindness and authenticity.
Having a coach allowed the possibility to see skills modeled and have resources already filtered which saved substantial time and provided immediate feedback to grow. In other words, having a coach allowed for accelerated learning. I trusted her completely and she showed up for me in ways I didn’t expect.
Parent coaching is about a change in you, better equipping you with mindsets and tools and research to best help your child or others' develop securely and healthily.“
Full, follow-up interview with Mama C and Papa Z - Parents of 2, ages 8 and 5
Why might you recommend Amanda to be someone else’s coach?
“I would recommend Amanda because she is clearly devoted to each parent's journey of self-discovery and learning how to parent from the heart. She allowed us to process challenges with our own parents and heal our own shame. Understanding what our needs are to heal and move forward, and providing a safe space to address those needs is so so important. We can now parent with more confidence, less shame and way more love.”
-Mama C
I would recommend Amanda as a coach purely based on a far greater understanding of my own childhood and the vastly improved relationship I have with my two daughters.
I would recommend Amanda as a coach due to her ability to distill the Jai parenting techniques as they relate to the struggles I’m having as a parent.
I would recommend Amanda as a coach because of her sensitivity to my own childhood.
I would recommend A as a coach for the empathy and understanding she brings to every session
-Papa Z
Why might you suggest another family join this program?
“Everyone needs help parenting. We were not taught that our childhood hearts were important and needed nourishment; that we mattered. Through this program, we learn how to become better humans and better parents so that our children will grow up and have healthy relationships with their own partners and will have developed wonderful skills for when they become parents in the future. This is truly the best investment a family can make in themselves.”
-Mama C
“There is no such thing as too much laughter and happiness. It is possible to arrest the generational dysfunction that may run in your family through the practice of Jai techniques and tools. The current conditions in your family can change through intentional behavior. Sometimes you have to admit to yourself that you do not have the skills to be an effective parent. Parenting didn’t come with a manual so Jai created one for you.”
-Papa Z
Do you think you would have made as much progress in your parenting without Amanda as your coach?
“I strongly agree that I would not have made the progress I did without Amada as my coach. Amanda came in with wonderfully supportive energy and was so willing to go above and beyond to make sure that Z and I felt comfortable and understood the lessons to their full extent - she provided additional resources and information which was incredibly helpful!
-Mama C
“I strongly agree that I would not have made the progress I did without Amada as my coach. I needed a coach who had the awareness to listen to where I was struggling, the skillset to offer a number of strategies and the personal touch of voicing encouragement throughout the process.”
-Papa Z
Are there any specific results that having a coach got you that you don't think you would have gotten with just an online platform?
“Accountability, talking through lessons to find out our own truths, so much more expansive and helpful than going it alone. If you have the privilege of working with Amanda, she will transform your communication with your children; parenting will be more easeful and you will have more confidence in your ability to parent with love and authenticity. It is such a gift.”
-Mama C
“Getting the kids to clean their room was a monumental win that never would’ve happened had we solely experienced the online platform. It was a multi-pronged approach with a few weeks of trial and error before landing on a strategy that worked. The trial-and-error aspect involved subtle recommendations from our coach on how to approach the situation differently based on what she was hearing from us. Had we gone the online route it would have been “try and fail” Ultimately, we found buy in from both kids by engaging them with coach-taught, creative play. Getting my 8-year-old to willing go to karate practice had been the bane of my existence with both parent and child dreading Karate Thursday. Honestly, I would have given up on this one had it not been for the encouragement of Amanda. She makes the most herculean of tasks seem possible. The online platform would’ve given me an overview of how to succeed at Karate Thursday but without the Amanda’s Jai educated nuanced feedback I would have had mediocre results.“
-Papa Z
What adjectives or phrases would you use to describe Amanda as a coach?
“Amanda held beautiful space for Z and I to talk about really difficult parenting patterns and shame. She was our fearless guide on our journey of self-discovery; traveling through our histories, challenges and experiences to heal and move forward as better parents and humans.”
-Mama C
“Anodynic (re:emotional pain), ability to pivot to our needs rather than adhere to the ordered steps of the curriculum, there is a softness to Amanda’s demeanor, radiates encouragement, extremely prepared, seemingly encyclopedic recall on Jai tools and strategies.“
-Papa Z
What are Amanda's strengths as a coach?
“Amanda is thoughtful, well-prepared, kind and has an amazing energy that is engaging and supportive.”
-Mama C
“What makes Amanda great is her ability to synthesize what I’ve said and repeat it back through a constructive lens.
I always felt there was a genuine desire for Amanda to help me be a better parent.
Amanda was always prepared for our meeting but also had the ability to pivot based on our need.
Amanda always pointed out our successes no matter how small.
Despite being a parent herself, Amanda never interjected her own experiences as a parent into the coaching sessions.
I never felt like I was a bad parent while being coached by Amanda.
The successes were always celebrated and built upon week after week.”
-Papa Z
Learn more about parent coaching, who it’s for, and read through some Frequently Asked Questions.
What adjectives or phrases would you use to describe your relationship with your partner BEFORE going through this program?
“Lack of communication, resentful, angry.”
-Mama C
“Highly divisive, good cop bad cop, judgement on my wife’s parenting style, I felt a tremendous amount of guilt for my lack of parenting.“
-Papa Z
What adjectives or phrases would you use to describe your relationship with your partner AFTER going through this program?
“Teamwork, understanding, respect.”
-Mama C
“Kind cop kind cop, tag team, strategy oriented discussions, celebratory when we used a Jai tool and found success, supportive when we encounter a difficult situation, OUR responsibility to parent well as opposed YOUR responsibility to parent well.”